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INTERMINABLE ROOMS previously known as “A Rooms Fangame” is a horror game created by zvardinRB on October 28th, 2022. The game is based off nicorocks5555's Rooms,[1] however the main difference being that there are many more Entities within the game. The game contains 3 sections and 6 if you count removed, scrapped and upcoming sections. The sections names are Section A “Apartment”, Section E “Expanse”, Section V, “Volume”, Section U “Unknown” (removed), Section S “Space” (upcoming) and Section L “Lodge” (cancelled).
Section A
Section E
Section V

A-15 (previously known as A-10) is the first rusher type entity the player will encounter. It takes the appearance of a blue sinister smiley face. Even though it’s slow compared to most other entities, it is still faster than one of the inspirations that being Rush from DOORS. Even though there are entities before it like Noah for example it is still considered to be one of the first original INTERMINABLE ROOMS entities created as Noah didn’t exist until A Rooms Fangame version 2. This entity has a X variant called X-15.

A-35 is the second rusher type entity and first rebounder type entity the player will encounter. It takes the appearance of a heavily edited version of the Formidable Face with the colors Black, White and Mint. This is still a slow entity to most other entites but decently faster than A-15. Unlike A-15, A-35 rebounds once while A-15 doesn’t rebound. This entity also has a X variant called X-35 and it rebounds 1 and a half times rather than just once.

A-60 is the third rusher type entity and the first entity from the OG ROOMS. Even though A-60 comes from the OG ROOMS, there is a big difference between the two versions of this entity. The major difference is A-60 from INTERMINABLE ROOMS doesn’t increase its velocity (speed) the further the player is from spawn instead it remains at a constant 6.91 rooms per second (the measurement that is used in IR to track how fast an entity travels by in game rooms). This version of A-60 acts like A-15 but it stops in the middle of the room when making it to the current room and will wait for 4 seconds before despawning. The entities old mechanic was identical to X-35’s mechanic (rebounds one 1 and a half times) and the sound was unedited. The mechanic and the sound were changed when entity extravaganza 1 was released in December 2022. This entity also has a X variant called X-60 and acts identical to its normal counterpart.

A-100 is the fourth entity and the first locker checking type entity the player will encounter. A-100 uses multiple faces like A-60. A-100 will spawn at the lobby and make its way to the current room at an incredibly fast pace, at 13.3 rooms per second. When it reaches the current room, it will begin checking grey lockers in that room. When it's done, it will rebound back to the lobby and despawn. However, if there happened to not be any lockers in the current room, A-100 will just rebound back to the lobby.

A-120 is the fifth entity and the first minion spawner type entity the player will encounter. It appears as a wide, yellow, upside-down grin, cyclops face. It is accompanied by pixelated particles surrounding it. It has multiple glitched frames. A-120 will spawn at the lobby and will make its way to the current room at a speed ranging from 9 to 11.5 rooms per second. Once it reaches the current room it will either spawn their minion, M-120, or rebound a random amount of times from 1 to 5.

M-120 is the minion that is spawned by A-120. They will shoot bullets that aim for any nearby players who aren't hidden, and on impact exploding, dealing 5 damage. M-120 can be spawned more than once, three at max.
Note: This just lists some examples of the first few entities in game. There are actually more, and to grt more detailed information, please go to the Interminable Rooms wiki.
- ↑ Corporation, Roblox. "INTERMINABLE ROOMS". Roblox. Accessed 2023-06-15.
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