The Marshall News Messenger from Marshall, Texas (2025)

Marshall News Messenger Tuesday, November 1967 i Beckville Collegian In Who's Who Dear 4bfey; Get Wise It's Too Before Late BECKVILLE Miss Rebec-ca Dupriest; a 1965 graduate of Beckville High recently named to Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges. Miss Dupriest a senior English Journalism major at Stephen F. Austin State College In Nacogdoches, served as editor cf the school paper, The t-X -V-W -N i -V SA ---v i a 1 VMy Pine Log, for the previous two in first baDy to I0 months, and this crepe-hanger ni'ther-inlaw of mine keeps insisting that it "Is "bad luck" to buy even a rattle for the baby until it here, because "something-might happen." I am furious, Abby. Some. cl my friends want to have a siiower for me, but with all this silly superstitious talk, how can I let them? I am healthy as a horse and would like to prepare my baby, but I hate to go behind my muther-in-law's back.

What fiould I do? REBECCA DUPRIEST summer sessions. She is cur-rently serving as associate itor. She is also a member of Kappa Delta Pi professional and has been nomi Circle Seven To Serve Luncheon Plans were made to serve nated for membership big- rr. Iva14 uteri hnnn the luncheon at the general Woman's Society of Christian Dec. 4, when -r FURIOUS 4Service meet in ter or anu juu- the parlor at the First Method- pnest of ist Church Monday morning.

Mrs. S. S. Whitener chair- pj(jQjs ClaSS man presided. Reports were given by the secretary.

Mrs T. PanS TUlC "arty jonnston ana treasurer, de the.r 1967 season in a game Fri- Eagles will ccnclu Wildcats cff Bv ABIGAIL VAN Bl'REN DEAR ABBY: My son. who is in the service, is engaged to a girl he has lecn giing with for over a year. He's home on leave now, and his girl I as been at pir house night and day. The only rneal she doesn't have here is breakfast.

There are seven us in the family. This girl never once has offered to help clear the table or help me with the dishes. After she eats she g.ies right into the living room and sits dAvn. If one of younger children asks her to play with them, she says, "i dij't feel like it." She comments items in my hme as follows: "My mother has one just like it. only hers is more expensive.

Or bigger, or newer." My. sin will be getting another leave soon, then I'll have to wait on her hand and foot again. She never says thank youi for anything. I haven't said anything" he- as yet because I don't want to hurt my son, but am I wrong for keeping still? CONCERNED MOTHER DEAR MOTHER: What is there to saO The girl is obviously ill -trained. ill-mannered and unperceptive.

Since she is a guest in your bffle, you can very well ask her. to "help" you. If ur son has chosen her to be his wife, and is blind to her deficiencies, she Is going to be HIS prt blem. P-ay that he gets wise before it's too late. DEAR ABBY: My th- er-in-law is -o superstitious it Isn't even funny, I if she believes in all those crazy superstitions, but now sf starting in on me.

I have been married for ur years, and am expect- gov night against tue at the HarietO" St NEW DJANA CHEERLEADERS Leading the cheering for the New Dicna Eagles this season ore frcm kneeling, cRd -Moe -Ellen He'rr-5. Debbie Downs Gnd Judy Bond, head cheerleader. Te 3o' p. rt-: Plans for a Christmas party were discussed "at the- Friday evening meeting-1 of the Fidelia Sunday School Class, Central Baptist Church. Officers a'so made reports when eight mem.

bers met a' the home of Mrs. A Pierce, vice president. Opening prayer was offered bv the teacher, Mrs. W. J.

Amos Timmlns. I Memlxrs were urged to attend the revival in progress' through Wednesda. Sendees are I at 7 a m. and 7 p.m. The School forr Workers, including local members, and oth-'e-s from Hallsville Jefferson, Carthage and Waskom, was an-inounced for Jan 27-31.

Birthday Club Fetes' Mrs. Harris Stone Mrs Pierce also pave Baber-Janda 1,5 Auxiliary Pledged at Las Vegas Speaker DEAR FURIOUS: Tell your mother-in-law that YOU aren't superstitiousand you prefer be prepared fo the baby yoj have every reason to believe you will have. Then go ahead and prepare and good luck. DEAR ABBY: Tt tve mother who objected localise her husband kissed their son on the uth. I say.

Our world is full of germs and disease, but the disease of all is hate. A father who loves his son enough to plant a smacker on lips is. in my opinion, a kind and loving father. Our youngest son is 21. He was on the aircraft carrier FORRESTAL when it caught fire in Tonkin Bay.

And when he came home alive and safe, believe me, his father and I greeted with rrrre than a handshake. We took him in our arms and kissed him on the MOUTH. If there were any germs around the love must have killed them Sincerely yours, MOTHER AND DAI) Kap- Mrs. Paul W. Wood presented (n Gmt a chanter from the current Pravm 0f the BiWe.

givjig stuSy ok Japan Today. Wh.t to the model prayer. I Ahead. Th party room and refresh- cxirricd out a When aoVIrvssifiR cm if( od-Thanksgiving motif, encp to C'crthafie Use the Zip Teena Schnorbus was a isi-Code 75fi33. NEWS MESSFNGCR NEAS SERVICE Mi.S MMU.Nl.S Mrs; Alford l'arr -au-.

hfnoree when the lxrthday club met in the me ef W. B. H-'-lxm- bake for a limch'on. The buffet table wa? covered in a han'est cloth in Mrs. Mary VirpirAi Janda las.

He is a menlitr of Pi and Dr. William L. Babe- 111 Pa Alpha sotial fraternity. Beta Beta honfary biology so uvre married v. 3 Vegas, Nev.

Full umg brief couple is colors of brown and gold and honeyrtrion. th-centered yellow fall flowers at home Art 22'.) 109, 5: ciety anctPi Rho Sigma, medical fratenuty. TEL Class Has Dinner Installation in a br-'wr. cnta wr. .1 Oak-, Mrs.

Taylor gave the in- The bride, daughter 'f Mrs. vocation. member pre- n. J. Whelan an- the late Mr.

sented Mrs. Harris a gift. whelan. attended Texas vTins- The Birthday Club oreanicd tian she received a in 1949. i.

the second oldest club bachelor degree from the Uni-in Hujrhes Springs'. Only the Ver-ity of Colora-io. Her social Sesame club, 19.54. is Pi Phi. is older.

Th? iJridegr. im is 'the of Th5 next nteeunq wi! ne Mrs. W. Babcr Jr. and the Rf-erber 7.

e'esrer ccrpeti lost longer end jivi greater j-afisfoction. FREE FLCCR CARE, WE 8-2412 of th" Second ('-stalled at a the home of Mr- TEL Cla- ureh were nvetinz lr B. EU.s CttABI Sc'-tty Baldwin, lo.a! attorney. guest speaker at the Harrison County Medica' Aux-iliary luncheon the horr.e of Mrs. Orin Ittlejoiin.

He reviewed the law case ef McGinnls and Ames that revolves around the history and setting of Caddo Lake. During the business seiori conducted by Mrs. Ant'-nb Diev t- membeiv voted cDntr.buti-ms to the Marshall Area A-ociat on and Oak Xurs.r.g The auxiliary opened its new "err s-ptember with a 'unch Feur members were "i at th? lober Mrs. Lake Little-ioiin. M's.

H. Pad ft Mrs Marvin Hal', and Mrs. Julian Kcn-edy Sevonti-en memlcrs wi re present for the Friday Shower Honors Mrs. Bill Hedaes km lytwcuiuci i.ic ii'Miiv idic mdiiu.M'ii jjq-j of Mrs. C.

K. Stiles, with Mrs. of Mrs. R. Y.

Salmon of Lin- r9' ujrv' eo u. K. layior nonoree. den. lie attended Til and earn ed the installati ciTcmonv.

it L-Vri lor Occmiwt Mfhc r.r (if SfirnfO novr.n using as ymmmmmmmmammmma DelicioUS SaUCe from Steplun V. Austin State i linn yi t. ay'- ti For a good sauce to serve wth allege. He was graduated in Xi shri was charged Ixsiled beef, add horseradish to from the Lmversitv of he, dutios and in turn the of. a savory white sauce.

Make the Texas Medical School at Gal- fcer lhe fi(wer'i'n an ar-same with half milk, half beef ve i and is presently intern- w'hich M-s irg at St. Paul's Hospital in Dal- prented to 'tte class. Mrs. B. B.

Petty, teacher. So Many Ways to Htlp You HERE'S HOW MUCH MONEY YOU'LL HAVE TO SAVE EACH MONTH TO PUT YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER THROUGH COLLEGE This is a two step table. Simply answer the question at Step No. 1 in the extreme left hand column and then run Lnpcr arross the table at that level to the column in Step No. 2 representing (he amount of money you mut sive by the time your child starts college.

You'll then be lold the number of dollars you must save each month to reach that goal. Here's an example: Let's say your child is 1 year old Let's estimate that you'll need $2,000 to put him through college. How much do you need to save monthly? Go down the extreme left-hand column until you come to I year; then go along that level until you come to the column representing $2,000. There you'll discover that you need to save $6.65 monthly. placed a Bibb beside the 1 point and lighted a candle.

A teacher. Mrs. L. L. Min-te, completed the arrangement by lighting an -then taper.

-f'-tesv Tf i cer for the new church year Mrs. I). Lew s. president: Mrs. W.

I). Laws vice president. Mrs. Eula secretary; Mrs. Bernice Gibson, chairman; Mrs.

Tom S. Price, benevolence chairman and Mrs. M. Sax-en. card chairman.

Si-ning as L'roun captains are Mmes. ('. K. Taylor, E. L.

Iike. II. F. Duncan, and Buna A buffet dinner was serwed to 14 members and two euests, Mrs. Graves and L.

L. nter. Mrs. Petty offered the closing NEWS MESSENGFR NEWS SFRVICE TATU.M Mrs. Bill Hedges was named honoree for a surprise rk and blue shower recently at the home ef Mrs.

T. t'r. Hembv. Hostesses for the affair were Mrs. Merrill Doyle, Mrs.

Ray Bennett and Mrs. Hornby. The hnno-ce was presented a cor-'age fashioned from nvnia-'ure baby needs, and riljbm. Games were played and gifts presented in a large laundry basket. the party color scheme of rink ar.d blue was used in the decent ons ef the reception AMOUNTS YOU MUST DL.POSIT EAQI MONTH STARTING NOW-UNTIL HE ENTERS COLLEGE Events of the Week Thursday The Leaders Association of Marshall Camp Fire will meet ir the monthly session at 9 a.m.

at the Csmp Fire house, 605 S. Grove. Harrison County -Mothers Cub is to meet at 7: SO p.m. with Lhe President Mrs. 0.

IL Clark. The Harrison County Historical Society meets at 7:30 p.m. in the Art Gallery of the old courthouse. Aurora Chapter 799. Order of Eastern Star, will meet -A 7:30 p.ffl.

at the Masonic Hall. Marshall Garden Club is to meet at 1:30 p.m. for a liemis-Fair '6S Tower of the Americas program at the home of Mrs. Weldon Veteto. 604 Shadywood.

Mrs. D. W. Dcupree Jr. is to be co-hostess.

Mrs. Frank McCullough will be commentator for the "Heritage of Two Words'' show of arrangements. Amaryllis Beaty Garden Club will meet at 2 p.m. in the United Gas Community Room with Mrs. Vaughn Rogers as hostess.

Mrs. Lee Teutsch will explain the flower show-schedule and members will participate in a workshop on class two, "Outstanding Occasions." Eureka Lodge, Knights of Pythias is to meet at 7:30 p.m. at the KP Hall. Marshall Dup'kate Bridge Club meets at 7 p.m. at the Fcirview Youth Center.

Golden Age Club will meet from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Corral Club. Friday Belle Maison Club is to meet at 1:30 p.m. with Mrs.

L. P. Martin at Marshall Lakeside Country Club. Program leader will be Mrs. Marvin Pound.

prayer. room and wning table laid w'th a rink Lnen cloth. Mrs. IF YOU START SAVING TODAY, 'Instant Insurance' i The ingredient that gives "in Sidney Martin served at the si! Ralpn punch the i Bea'I presided at orviee lauut aim i ierkan leather. Since loathe'- is; Approximately 23 guests at- i the only materia with natural1 "KrO'lt Vlin(7M nniittn i Ji LUUtlll UlLltii emu in juu i bility leather footwearA Sauce fQr BeQns prondes a continuous ful change of air around your1 Cream of celery soup, diluted feet, plus gentle "customized" with a little mi'k and heated, shaping rf the shoe to ur male.s a good sauce for snap foot's contours.

1 beans, green peas or broccoli. AND YOUR CHILD TO SAVE TO SAVE TO' SAVE TO SAVE TO SAVE IS NOW: $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 1 "day 2'il 1848 "24M 30.80 7 1 year STEP 2 65 13.30 19.95 26.60 33.24 2 years 7.20 14.40 21.60 2S SO 36 00 3 years 7.83 1 5.65 23.48 31.31 39.13 4 years 8.55 17.09 25.64 34.18 42.73 5 years 9.38 18.76 28.13 37.51 46 89 6 years 10.35 20.70 31.05 41.40 51.76 7 years 11.50 23 01 34.51 46.01 57.51 8 years 12.89 25.77 38.66 51.54 64.43 9 years 14.58 29.16 43.74 58.32 72.91 10 years 16.71 33.41 50,12 66.R2 3.53 11 years 19.44 38.88 58.32 77.77 97.21 12 years 23.09 46.19 69.28 92.38 115.47 13 years 28.22 50.43 84.65 112 86 141.08 14 years 35.90 71.80 107.70 143 60 179.50 15 years 48.72 97.45 146.17 194.89 243.61 16 years 74.38 148.76 223.14 297.52 371.90 17 years 151.39 302.78 454.18 605.55 756.94 8 semi-annual withdrawals tfter 18th birthday 250.00 500.00 750.00 1,000.00 1.250.00 RADIO IN i YOUR MACARONI Marshall Ni: ws Mkssknger WARSHALt PUBLISHING COMPANY BOX 730, MARSHALL, TEXAS, 7M0 Publlthrt DolJy Ecp Srtun)oy Entered at Scn ClaM Mall Molter ot PoM 0lc of Marshall. To unor Act of Conor wi, March, 11. 1 mm Moriholl Evtnlno MtMnar. ttiabllintd Jun 1177 Marshall Morning Ntwt iobiUh) September 1, l'lt WILLIAM M.

WOODY, Publisher Due to virying ratei End methods of computing interest in effect today, we have selected a rate of paid annually, credited and compounded semiannually with Interest on the monthly deposits at (he lame rate from the first of the month In which the deposits are made lo the end of the six-month period. Right! Hundreds of gifts to choose from when you save and redeem Gift Star coupons in every package of American Beauty Elbo-Roni. BITE SIZE ELBD-RQNJ A real crowd-pleaser golden-good little bite-size Home-cook it In minutes, tonight SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Cnrrlef In By Carrier Outside City of Martholl 40c per Week nty forr. (Outside Marshall) ll. me By nrtoll-Three Months ti Single Copy By Moil-Si Month fc Dally lie Sunday By Motor Route Si SO per Month By Moll-One Month V) City of Marshall S3 1 00 per yeor By Moll-One Year H09 By Moll Beyond 100 Mile Quoted on Request Any erroneous reflection upon the character, stondlna or reputation of nny Indltrldual, firm or corporal ten whlrh mav occur In the columns of The Marshall News Messenger will be corrected upon being brought to attention of the Publishers.

Th Martholl New Messenger ft nof responsible for fhe rtlurn of unsolicited manuscript or photogropht. Th Marshall New Messenger ft nof responsible for copy errors, typoarophlrat error or ny unlntentlnl error rht may or fur In advertising other thon correct In next Issue alter It ft Brought fa their attention. Th Associated Press I entitled exclusively to us for republication all local newt printed In this paper ot well at AP new dltpotche. MIMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRiSt, TEXAS DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION! SOUTHFRN NEWSPAPER PURtlSHFRS ASSOCIATION, rtARTE HANKi NEWSPAPERS AND AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATION. niEifflii AND MOTOR BANK Motnbtr FDIC ocJoral Rastrvt System 11 CPAQHCTTI MACARONI ESQ NOODLES BEAUTY FOUNDED 117 MADE IN TEXAS.

The Marshall News Messenger from Marshall, Texas (2025)


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.