I PAGE TEN THE ESCANABA A (MICE.) DAILY PRESS TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1940 TUE PHONE 155 KEN GUNDERMAN Manager MANISTIQUE 111 Daily Cedar Press Street Bldg. ELKS BANQUET PLANS READY Committees for Dinner Party Announced By Schuster for the semi annual Elks Plans banquet which will be bowling held Wednesday evening at the club have been completed, Schuster, general chairOtmer man, has announced. Following the banquet at which teams in league will dine players of then. losing bowling entertain the members of the and winning teams, bithe "world match between Paperseries.s Browns, winners of the American and National league for the first half of the season, will meet for the championship. committees for the banquet follow: General Chairman, Otmer Schust Cooks.
George Babladelis, chairman, A. Creighton, F. McNamara, E. J. Dr.
T. Potato Peelers -Charles Isackson, chairman, B. Gero, P. ness, Dr. C.
Anderson and S. Crowe. Setting up -R. Fiegal, chairman, E. Biebesheimer, M.
Kasun, N. Reese, Dr. Ketcik, H. Peters, H. Brotherton, C.
Siddell, G. Graphos and J. Quick. Waiters--L. Males, chairman, Ed Jackson, E.
Brault, W. Norton, W. Corson, C. Leonard, A. Carpenter, S.
Hoholik, P. Vizena, H. co*ckram, W. LaFreniere and W. Bolitho.
Nelson, chairman, K. VanEyck, E. McMasters, E. Cookson, G. Dupont, A.
Carlson, Trudeau and H. Norton. Refreshments R. Roberts, chairman, D. Harrington, er, R.
Hewitt J. Kovack. Program--R. G. Hentschell.
Music--F. Gorsche, P. Gorsche. Collector of Revenue--A. W.
co*ckram. Westside Business Leaders Meet With Lions Club Tonight The Manistique Lions club will hold their weekly dinner meeting at the Gardner Cafe this evening at seven o'clock, at which the club will have as their guests a group of westside business leaders. A special program has been arranged and all members are urged to attend. TEXACO SKYCHIEF GASOLINE Puts pep in your motor for quick cold morning starts and makes the old car leap with energy. Try a tankful today and find out what this new gas can do.
GEORGE'S SUPER SERVICE STATION FLORHIDE FLORHIDE Makes Floors Beautiful Bring bright, gleaming beauty to painted floors with PITTSBURGH FLORHIDE. You can relay your rugs a few hours after it is applied. This quickdrying enamel gives floors colorful, attractive finish that really wears! PITTSBURGH FLORHIDE ENAMEL Miller-Moran Corp. Phone 257 Colors by Nature Paints by Pittsburgh PITTSBURGH TO PAINTS Smooth us Cluss UI TOM BOLGER PHONE 32 MANAGER RIALTO BLDG, GLADSTONE Show and Outing Throng Gladstone LARGE CROWD ATTENDS SHOW Former Dartmouth Skiing Star's Exhibition Thrilling Another huge crowd attended the Ski Show and public ski outing held Sunday afternoon at the Gladstone Sports Park on the Days River. Besides the hundreds from here, the Escanaba, crowd included Manistique, visitors.
Marquette, Ishpeming, Powers and Hermansville. Attractive displays of skis, equipment and winter sports apparel, put up by local merchants, the clubhouse. Busy "throughout the afternoon was the ski club concession at the clubhouse, hot chocolate, coffee, hot dogs and hamburgers warming those who became chilled while watching skiers outside. The highlight of the afternoon was the skillful and thrilling exhibition of controlled skiing given by F. M.
Atkinson, Minneapolis, former of the Dartmouth college marches. The ease and grace with which Atkinson took the slalom course south of the clubhouse delighted the throng. The Dartmouth star. accompanied by a group of skiers also went to some of the back hills where he shot down wooded slopes, weaving his way throughout the trees to the bottom of the descents. Crack-the-whip on skis, a stunt where 12 skiers descend holding hands, also pleasing the crowd.
public address system with Russell Skellenger at the microphone the crowd advised of the afternoon's program. The was sponsored by the retail committee of the City club. Billy Schram, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schram.
was dismissed Monday from St. Francis hospital following an operation for relief from appendicitis, and returned to his home here. Bowling Notes BOWLING SCHEDULE Lady Elks Thursday, Feb. 1 Johnson's VS. Inland's; Internationalists vs.
Papermakers. Friday, Feb. 2-Tmies Tribune VS. Brown's. City Briefs Mr.
and Mrs. LeRoy Oberg are the parents of a daughter born Sunday, January 28, at the Shaw hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson and children, of Escanaba, and Mrs.
Joseph Malou, also of Escanaba spent Sunday here with friends and relatives. Miss Rose Mercier returned on Sunday from Escanaba where she had spent the past few days with friends and relatives. Mrs. George Tufts, of Chippewa, Ontario, arrived here Sunday, called here by the death of her mother, Mrs. Wm.
Smithers, Ruby Nicholson will leave early part of this week for Chicago where she will do spring buying for her shop. INDIANS LOSE TO MARQUETTE Drop Thriller Here, 7-6; Play Stambaugh Saturday The Gladstone Indian hockey sextet lost its first game in several starts here Sunday afternoon when they dropped a nip and tuck battle the Marquette CYO, 7-6. and pushed three counters Marquette opened, with a rush before J. Lake connected. W.
Lake followed suit and J. Lake came back to count again and the score was deadlocked 3-3 at the end of the first period. Gordon Haga, Indian wing was injured in this period and forced to retire from the game. He was struck by a stick when a Marquetter made a backhand shot and sustained a severe cut on the chin. Lagina put the Indians out in front in the second period but the CYO's came back strong, evened the count and then went on to lead, 4-6, at the end of the period.
Gobert and W. Lake tallied to knot the count at 6-all the final period and play was fast and even Marquette putting over the front winning of the score cage from with a but scramble one lie minute to play. Efforts are being made range a game with Marinette tc be played here Thursday night, Gordon Haga, manager of the team, announces. The Indians will play Saturday night at Stambaugh as the windup feature of the Iron County winter carnival. In the Indian lineup Sunday were Blair, W.
Lake, Sloan defense; J. Lake, Haga, Lagina, Kallerson, Carlson and Forvilly, forwards. Playing for the CYO's were Downs, center: B. Gustafson and Bergstrom, defense; R. Gustafson and W.
Daugherty, wings, and Young, Goalie. Spares were Gletcher, Gingrass, Coppens, Bastren, Quillian and Divine. City Briefs Mrs. John Vogt and daughter, Wanda Lee, returned yesterday from Mankato, where they were several weeks ago by the illness and subsequent death of Mrs. Vogt's mother, Mrs.
Albertina Odden. Mrs. Phil VanLandschoot and daughter Grace and Mrs. Jerome VanLandschoot, city, and George Barnes of Manistique spent the week-end in Munising. Mrs.
E. J. Noreus left Sunday night for Rochester, Minnesota, where she Mayo Clinie for observation. Mrs. Wm.
Broun of Sault Ste. Marie, Canada, was called home by the illness of her mother, Mrs. Jesse Denio. Mrs. Anna Olson returned OIL Sunday to her home following it month's visit with children at various points in the Middle West.
She accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stitt to Iowa City, Iowa, where they are making their home, and visited Mrs. Karl Harrell in Omaha, Neb. On her return she visited her son Hilding in Pipestone, ter Mildred at St.
Paul, Minaugh- HIGHWAY CONFERENCE annual upper peninsula highway conference, sponsored by the state highway departmental College cooperation of Mining with and Technology at Houghton, will be held in Houghton February 23 and 24, with "Winter Transportation in the Upper Peninsula" the theme of the meeting. As in other years, the state highway department is extending invitations to county road commissions, and county and city officials, chamber of commerce executives and other interested groups and individuals to attend the Houghton conference where important problems concerning upper peninsula highway development are discussed. vs. L. Godmer, J.
LaPorte vs. J. Van Damme, J. Sepic VS. C.
Mineau, P. Standing vs. 1 E. DeWalle, R. Louis vs.
O. Wilmotte, B. DeHooghe V8. W. LeRoux and A.
Texmunt vs. K. Cannon. STAR MARKET! Tues. Wed.
Thurs. Phone No. 5 We Deliver Pure Pork Plate Sausage, 2 lbs. 29c Spare Ribs, Lean, Small, lb. 12c: Liver, Fancy Young Beef, lb.
29c. Veal Cutlets, Fancy Milk Fed, lb. 29c Lamb Chops, Genuine Lamb, lb. 35c Cudahy's "Fancy" Beef "The Taste Tells" Short Ribs 17c: Chuck Roast 25c Rib Roast 29c; Pecola, Nut Oleo, 2 lbs. 25c Durkee Oleo, 2 lbs.
37c; Pure Lard, 2 lbs. 15c: Shop Where Quality Is the First Consideration AMOS SMITH IS KILLED BY AUTO Thompson Youth, 21, Victim of Accident Early Sunday Amos George Smith, 21 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, of Thompson, was killed early Sunday morning when he was struck by an automobile driven by Hang Olsen, of Manistique, on highway US-2 in front of Herro's store at Thompson. The accident occurred at 3:35 a.
m. Smith, accompanied by his parents, was returning to the Smith residence north of the Thompson fish hatchery when the car which he was driving out of gasoline. Smith had planned to leave the car, which was owned by his father, at Herro's store and continue home with his own car, which he previously had parked at Herro's store. Driver Blameless The machine stopped, however, just as Smith had started to turn off the highway. The car was partially blocking the highway when Smith saw the approach Olsen's car, he got out to warn him from the parked automobile.
He apparently walked directly into the path Olsen's car and was struck. The lights 011 Smith's car were burning only faintly because of generator troutble and the youth feared the oncoming motorist would not see the parked machine until it was too late to avoid a crash. Olsen and the youth's father took the injured boy to the Shaw hospital but he was dead upon arrival. The boy's parents informed investigating officers that Olsen was blameless for the tragedy and Prosecuting Attorney W. J.
Sheahan announced yesterday there would be no inquest in the case. The youth was born at Thompson Jan. 6, 1919. He attended Thompson grade school and the Manistique high school, being graduated in 1937. He has been employed as a clerk in Herro's store at Thompson.
He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, and the following brothers and sisters, Mrs. James Cook, Manistique; Ernest Smith, Detroit; Thomas, a twin brother; Vivian, Bernard, Donald and Margaret, all at home. The body was prepared for burial at Kefauver and Jackson's Funeral Home and was returned to the family home at Thompson yesterday afternoon.
Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock at St. Francis de Sales church in Manistique, Rev. Fr. Schevers officiating. Interment will be made in Lakeview cemetery.
Welfare Office Open To Public 3 Days Each Week Beginning in February, the welfare office, located in the old Inland office at the corner of Maple avenue and Elk street, will be open to the public on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week only, the Schooleraft county relief commission has announced. Previously the office was open four days weekly including Thursday. The change has been necessitated by the heavy volume of office work. Clients are requested to call on these days and at no other time. Due to the refusal of the SurCommodities corporation to accept the facilities offered by Schooleraft county for the storing, packaging and distribution of federal surplus commodities, no more surplus food will be distributed in the city of Manistique or by truck to the rural areas of Schooleraft county until further notice.
Mrs. Jack Johnson, Oak street, left Sunday evening for Milwaukee where she will receive meditreatment and visit with friends and relatives. Obituary MRS. ADA SMITHERS Funeral services for Mrs. Ada Smithers will be held this afternoon at the family home, Manistique Heights.
Rev. George B. King will officiate and interment will be made in Fairview cemetery under the direction of the Morton funeral home. Pallbearers will be Charles Howard, John Riley, Fred Burley, Arthur Graham, Louis Laux and Orville Klagstad. After the Ball is Over Attend the Birthday Ball at the of hall tonight, and after the ball, stop at the Liberty Cafe for lunch.
We are featuring Chicken a La King Only 40c Also a complete menu of short orders The Liberty Cafe Sports Park On Sunday Briefly Told Woodmen's Circle Tea The Woodmen's Circle will have a tea at the home of Mrs. Bertha Deemer Thursday, February 1. Memberg will furnish pot luck lunch. Members and their friends are invited. meeting of the Townsend Club Townsend A regular Club, will be held Tuesday evening in the Court House.
Members and friends are invited. Ladies' Aid Meeting The meet Wednesday afternoon the Methodist Ladies' Aid society, will Wm. Mueller home, River street. Mrs. Mueller, Mrs.
Charles Hoppins, and Mrs. Anna Wood will be hostesses. All members are urged to attend. Baptist Aid The Ladies' Aid Society of the First Baptist church will lead the devotionals. All members are urged to attend.
Lady Maccabees- -Lady Maccabee members who live on the East side of the city will this afternoon at 1:15 o'clock the Morton Funeral home and those who live on the West side meet at the home of Mrs. M. Cota, Deer, street Ada to Smithers. attend the funeral BIRTHDAY BALL HERE TONIGHT Dance At K. of C.
Hall Will Be Informal, Says Chairman Manistique's Birthday Ball in honor of President Franklin Roosevelt will be held this evening at the Knights of Columbus hall, with Gorsche's orchestra playing the musical program. Dr. C. F. Anderson, general chairman, announced recently that the party will be informal and entirely non-political.
Half of the proceeds will be given to the National Foundation to carry on the fight against infantile paralysis, and the remainder will be used locally to build up a fund for purchase inhalator the City of Manistique." Frank Gierke, chairman of the ticket sales campaign, reported yesterday that tickets for the dance have been moving very rapidly, indicating a large crowd the party. Social Mrs. Shipman To Speak Mrs. Dorothy Shipman will speak at the regular meeting of the Lakeside Central Parent Teacher meeting to be held Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Lakeside school. Mr.
Shipman will speak on her trip to New Orleans and show pictures taken trip. Mrs. George Morton will be in charge of the musical program. The executive board will entertain. All members and their friends are invited.
Marriage Announced Mr. and Mrs. William Sheldon announce the marriage of their son, Henry, to Miss Pearl Jackson, of Columbia, S. C. The wedding took place on January 2, at Columbia, South Carolina.
Galloping Tea Mrs. B. A. Craver and Mrs. G.
Gilligan were hostesses at a galloping tea afternoon. Mrs. Sarah as jockey. Saturday, An enjoyable afternoon was spent and refreshments were served. CEDAR THEATRE TODAY Evening, 7:00 9:00 CARY GRANT ROSALIND RUSSELL in Howard Hewks' HIS GIRL A COLUMBIA FRIDAY COMEDY HIT ALSO SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS LO Suc St their high term Lou Boni cum utes 19-1 boys ball whit Part pass led maj aboi gam cois 011 dro free for Id Briefly Told Mission Circle The Mission Circle of the Gospel Tabernacle will meet on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs.
Albert Mattson, 215 North Court street. The public is invited to attend. Confirmation Class The confirmation class of St. Paul's Lutheran church will meet at 4 o'clock this afternoon for instruction. Ski Party -Members of the Luther league of the First Luthera nehurch will enjoy a ski hike to the Max Mathison cottage at Schaawe Lake tonight.
Reservations should be made with either Juanita Granberg Russell Stecker. Those making the trip by skis will gather at the Gabrielson home at 6:45 o'clock this evening while others going by auto will meet at the church at 7:30. Prayer -Prayer meeting for the First Baptist congregation will be held at the parsonage Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Monthly contributions and offerings will be received at the close of the service. and gan pla: ed fro giv net by hol tim cha can sid fre 8-6 011 Lie tos thi ed sat tie tip tie jul mE on Ne Be L.
St Bi DAILY PRESS PHOTOS. Above is a general view of Gladstone's beautiful Sports Park, showing one of the slopes in the foreground with ski enthusiasts demonstrating scattered over the open while a nattily clad rider at the base of a towering pine is poised to swoop down into the valley. Other slopes of the park show in the distance. The other views show skiers lined up at the top of one of the park's many trails awaiting their turn to swing out and away and a special toboggan slide that provides a I I I thrilling ride for those enthusiasts who believe in remaining close to the surface of the snow all of the way down. The slide also serves to regate the tobogganists and prevents them from becoming entangled with the ski riders.
Auxiliary Sponsors Dessert-Luncheon Members of the Auxiliary to August Mattson Post, American Legion, will entertain at a dessert luncheon this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in the Legion hall. Contract, auction five hundred will 'be played. Auxiliary members are sponsoring tables. The public may attend. Proceeds from the event will be placed in the welfare fund.
In charge of the event is a committee composed of the Mesdames E. H. Noblet, Louis Weingartner, George Beaudry and F. S. Patton.
Social Birthday Party Miss Hettie Wurtz entertained a group of friends Sunday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. land Mrs. Tom Wurtz, at Lathrop, the occasion being her 18th birthday anniversarsions were enjoyed during the evening and a delightful birthday lunch served at the close. Guests included June Kirby, Rose Mary Grimes. Daisy Hirl, Dorothy Grimes, Toini Linjala and Rieno Niemela.
Smear Tournament Pairings Are Listed Pairings for tonight's play in the Holy Name smear tournament at All Saints' parish hall were announced yesterday. Listed by team captains they are: A. Minne vS. W. Gamache, C.
VerHamme vs. L. La Plante, A. Wilmotte vs. E.
Closs. A. Brock vs. R. VanMill, E.
Brassick vs. A. Creten, M. Berg REALTO LAST TIMES TONIGHT Admission 10c 25e Lana BIG Errol Turner in HIT Flynn in Dawn Co-ed" Patrol" Shown at Shown at 6:45 10:10 8:30 p. m.
p. ONLY.