PAGE TEN THE ESCANABA (MICH.) DAILY PRESS THURSDAY, JAN. 27, 1949 Social Club CLUB- FASHIONS FEATURES ACTIVITIES WOMAN'S PAGE Baked Goods Sale A baked good sale will be held at Auger's Super Service station, 1431 Washington avenue, Saturday, beginning at 10 a. for the 'benefit of St. Thomas guild. It will be sponsored by Circle: 3 and 6.
Circle Sponsors Party A card party, sponsored by Circle 14 of St. Thomas church will be held this evening at 8 at St. Thomas hall. The public is invited. Rummage Sale Planned St.
Thomas Guild is sponsoring a rummage sale to be held Saturday, Feb. 5, at the I. O. O. hall, North 10th street.
LaMarche-Prim In a ceremony performed at the home of the bride's grandfather, Charles Anderson, on January 22, Shirley Mae LaMarche, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry LaMarche, Escanaba Route One, became the of bride Mr of and August Mrs. Milo Edward Prim, Prim, son al- A so of Escanaba Route One. The vows were spoken before Pastor A.
M. Boomer, er of the bridegroom. Mrs. Wallace Anderson played the bridal music. The bride wore a gown of white satin trimmed with lace, with a 101.g train and a fingertip veil of rayon net with lace edging matching the gown She carried white lilies and baby mums.
Her sister, Beverly, who was maid of honor and the bridegroom's sister, Gaylo, the bridesmaid, wore like gowns of taffeta in pink and blue, respectively, made with sweetheart necklines and bouffant skirts. They had pink carnations in their hair and carried bouquets of pink and baby mums. Attending the bridegroom were Edward Dubord and Elmer LaMarche. Mrs. LaMarche wore dark green with rhinestone accessorles and a corsage of pink roses for her daugnter's wedding and Mrs.
Prim wore black silk jersey with an accordion pleated skirt and a corsage of pink roses. A wedding dinner at the home for 75 guests followed the ceremony, with decorations in pink blue and white, and a reception with a wedding dance for 200 was held at Riverview hall. The newlyweds will live in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs.
Napoleon La Vallie and Mr. and Mrs. Emery Greenwood of Chicago were among guests at the wedding. Rummage Sale Rummage Sale Jobs Daughters will hold 0. a rummage sale at the I.
O. F. hall, North 10th street, on Saturday, January 29. The sale will begin at 10 o'clock. Rebekah Lodge Meeting Phoebe Rebekah Lodge No.
179 will hold a regular meeting Friday evening, January 28 at the I. 0. 0. F. hall, North 10th street beginning at 8 o'clock.
The social hour following the business session will be in charge of Mrs. Aronson as chairman assisted by Mrs. Bessie Packenham and Misses Ruth and Dagne Beck. A attendance is desired. Castillo-Boyle The wedding of Consuela Castillo, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Pedro Castillo of Long Beach, and Robert A. Boyle, son of Mrs. Luella Boyle, of 211 Stephenson avenue, Escanaba, took ploce recently at a morning service in St. Lucy's Catholic church in Long Beach.
The bride, given in marriage by Pedro Castillo, wore a white satin gown with off-the-shoulder effect and a full length veil caught to a crown of orange blossoms. She carried a white orchid on a prayer book. Her matron of honor, Mrs. John LaCombe, wore pink chiffon with a heart-shaped hat and carried colonial bouquet of pink sweetpeas and roses. Bridesmaids Pat Castillo Mercedes Castillo were in turquoise gowns and they corried like bouquets.
John LaCombe served Mr. Boyle as best man and little Marie Therese Nieto was flower girl. A reception at the home of the bride's parents followed the ceremony. The couple, after a honeymoon at Santa Barbara, will live at 1464 Gaviota avenue in Long Beach. Mr.
Boyle is a graduate of Polytechnic high school. Surprise Birthday Party Mrs. Earle Steede was guest of honor at a surprise birthday party held last evening at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steede, Escanaba Route One.
Cards were played during the evening. In five hundred, awards were won by Frank Hemes, Mrs. Harry Leisner and Mrs. Sophie Perron, and in smear, Edward Perron was high. Julius Sorby received the guest award.
A birthday lunch was served and Mrs. Steede was presented with many lovely gifts. Birthday Party Mrs. Ernest Derusha, Escanaba Route One, was honored at a surprise party in observance of her birthday anniversary held Saturday evening at her home. Cards were followed by a birth- D.A.V.
Chapter Open Meeting January 29 Chapter 24, D. A. will hold an open meeting Saturday evening Jan. 29 at 8 at Grenier's hall at which Lineal Sleeman, state commander, and John Stukel, state service officer, will be present to aid disabled veterans or their dependents with problems pertaining to veterans' benefits. A social and lunch served by the Auxiliary will follow the meeting.
All disabled veterans and their ladies are invited by William Garbett, commander, to attend the meet- ing. Folk and Square Dancing Classes Start Here Soon Classes in folk and square dancing both beginners and accomplished dancers will start at the youth center Feb. 10, George Grenholm, recreation director, announced today. Classes will be held each Thursday night after Feb. 10 from 7:30 to 9:30.
Later in the season folk dance evenings will be held at the center. Anyone wishing to register for the classes may drop a post card in the mail to the recreation department or call 1347 between 2-5 p. m. Iowa Girl Bride Of Mac Danielson Mr. and Mrs.
H. H. Kirkman of Bayard, Iowa, have announced the marriage of their daughter, Bonnie, to Mac Danielson of Escanaba. The Danielsons were wed Jan. 7 at Omaha, and are residing in Des Moines, where both are sophom*ores the college of fine arts at Drake University.
They will arrive in Escanaba tonight to visit for a few days at the home of Mr. Danielson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Danielson, 202 South Third street. Personal News Mrs. William Swanson left for Carney today to spend a few days with her father, Erick Lundquist who is seriously ill. H. M.
Warner of Milwaukee, who has spent a few days here on business for the railroad, left today for Iron Mountain. James Moran left today for Appleton, to visit with his sisters, Nancy and Sue, after which he will visit in Chicago with his uncle, Warren Horton. James, student of University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, has been spending the mid-semester vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Smith, who have been visiting their son daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Smith, left today to return to their home in Grand Rapids.
They have been here week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kujala, 1322 North 18th street, left today for Green Bay where Mr. Kujala will receive medical examination in Bellin Memorial hospital.
Mr. Kujala submitted to major surgery at Bellin hospital a month ago. Mrs. Victor Goddard returned to her home in Chicago today after spending a week here with Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Erickson, 1126 North 16th street. G. C. Hiltel, division freight and passenger agent for the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific line, left today for Marinette after spending a few days here on business.
He is enroute to Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Victorson of 907 First avenue north left this morning for Chicago where they will visit for several days with friends. EASY! EASY! Luscious Bran Muffins with Raisins! Tasty Kellogg's All-Bran and luscious raisins a mouth-watering flavor combination! 2 tablespoons 1 cup sifted shortening flour cup sugar teaspoons or molasses baking 1 egg powder 1 cup Kellogg's All-Bran teaspoon salt cup milk cup raisins Blend shortening and sugar thoroughly; add egg and beat well.
Stir in Kellogg's All-Bran and milk. Let soak until most of moisture is taken up. Sift flour with baking powder and salt; stir in raisins. Add to first mixture and stir only until flour disappears. Fill greased mutin pans two-thirds full.
Bake in a moderately hot oven 25 to 30 minutes. Make marvelous mumns. America's try a bowlful today! laxative famous natural BRAN Lodges Officers Install At Last Night's Meeting Joint installation of officers of the North Star lodge and Morning Star society were held at ceremonies conducted at the regular meeting last night at the North Star hall. Arthur W. Moberg, district president, was installing officer, assisted by Agnes Nelson, a past president.
The program of the evening included piano numbers by Amelia and Darlene Rehnquist, two vocal solos by C. Arthur Anderson, two Swedish songs by Mrs. E. R. Gustafson and assembly singing of songs dedicated to the two lodge presidents.
Cards were played following the program and a lunch served. Personal News Mrs. Cecilia Sandmore and daughter Mary Lou left yesterday afternoon for their home in Green Bay following a week spent here with her sister, Mrs. Irene Kidd and with Mrs. Celia Dart.
Church Events Immanuel Service An English worship service with Holy Communion will be held at Immanuel Lutheran church Sunday, morning at 10:30. Rev. L. will speak on the theme, "The Lord's Table." Both the senior and junior choirs will sing. Benefit Program The Salvation Army is presenting a musical benefit program tonight beginning at 8 at the hall, 112 North 15th street.
The numbers will include string trios, solos, duets, accordion duets and vocal numbers. Visitors also will take part. Refreshments. will be served. A will be taken.
SC CNHAT SAVE YOU FLOUR Swansdown Pkg. BUTTER lb. LARD 2 Ibs. SOAP FLAKES Automatic 70 oz. 1.39 Gerber's 3 cans BABY FOOD Libby's 3 jars CIGARETTES All Popular Brands Ctn.
1.75 STOKELY BLENDED CITRUSIP JUICE 46 oz. can TUNA FISH Star Kist Grated 8 oz. can MAZOLA OIL Qt. Dill PICKLES Flying Dutchman Qt. CARROTS 3 behs.
29c ORANGES Texas Temples doz. 39c POTATOES Lake Superior Brand peck 49c APPLES Fancy Winesaps 2 Ibs. 25c COLE SLAW cello bag 2 pkgs. 25c Beef Chuck Roast Choice Cuts lb. STEAKS ROUND T-BONE SIRLOIN Lb.
Regular $59.95. coats. Brown only. Sizes 9, 13 and $45. 2 Only All wool velour fur trimmed coats.
Grey flare back and with Regular beaver pockets. $59.95. dyed Sizes mouton 16 and collar 18. $45. 1 only Green all wool velour flare yoke.
back, Regular size 10. $69.95. Grey kidskin $55. 1 only Green all wool velour, lar. Regular $79.95.
size 12. Beaver dyed mouton col- $55. SPEAKS VOWS Mrs. Robert Joseph Buckland was Lois Joyce Soderman before her marriage on January 22. The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Soderman of 616 North 8th street, A live de Gladstone. in Escanaba The at newlyweds 1421 North will 22nd street. (Ridings Photo) Bess Truman's Pudding Recipe In New Cook Book By JANE EADS Washington--Whether it's Mrs. Truman's "Ozark Pudding" or something called "stuffed the that family, you you'll want to find whip the re- up cipe in a unique 600-page cook book.
It's the new Congressional Club Cook Book, latest edition of a volume first published by the congressional wives' organization back in 1927. In addition to some 50 recipes from foreign countries submitted by wives of diplomats, the book contains hundreds of recipies contributed by wives of cabinet members, Supreme Court justices, congressmen, former congressmen and governors 01 states. 'The First Lady, who joined the club when her husband was senator, has written a foreward for the book and contributed her favorite recipe too. Signed simply "Bess W. Truman, Missouri," are the following directions for' making Ozark Pudding, a dish which features chopped nuts and apples and is served with whipped cream or ice cream: Mrs.
Truman not list the ingredients first. She just pitches right in-'One egg a and threefourths cup sugar, beaten together for a long time until very smooth. (She underlines the 'very'.) Mix two tablespoons of flour, one and one-fourth teaspoons of baking powder, oneeighth teaspoon of salt. Add to egg-sugar mixture, add one-half cup chopped nuts, one-half cup chopped apples, one teaspoon vanilla. Bake in greased a 350-degree oven for 35 minutes." Foreign Recipes Members of the club take pride in the foreign recipe section of the book.
They feel they can help spread a bit of international good will by the exchange of recipes, says Mrs. Lawrence H. Smith, wife of the congressman from Wisconsin and chairman of the cook book committee. The recipe for stuffed monkey, incidentally, was submitted by Mrs. Norman, J.
O. Makin, wife of the Australian Ambassador. I called the Embassy to ask Mrs. Makin to please tell me how you caught the monkey in the first place and then to give me the recipe. There was long and hearty laughter at the other end of the line.
"Oh, my dear," Mrs. Makin explained, "that's just the name of my favorite tea cakes. We really don't eat monkeys in Australia." The diplomat's wife explained the cakes are called "stuffed monkies" simply because you stuff them as full of as many different kinds of nuts and fruits as you can get into them, along with a variety of exotic spices. They are made with the usual mixture of flour, sugar and eggs. The liquor left over from canned peas may be used in a white sauce, in gravy or in day lunch served by Mrs.
Arthur Derusha and Mrs. Fred Courier who arranged the party. A large birthday cake, attractively decorated, centered the table. Mrs. Derusha was presented with a purse.
Guests at the party included Mr. and Mrs. Alex Derouin, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Derusha, Mr.
and Mrs. Sid Derusha, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Derouin, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Courier, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Starrine, Arthur Derusha and Fred Courier. Valentine Tea The Ladies' Aid of Ev. Coven- ant church, First avenue south and 14th street, will entertain at its annual valentine tea Saturday, February 12, at 3 o'clock.
Sharon Shrine Sharon Shrine Social club is meeting at 7:30 p. Tuesday, Feb. 1 at the home of Mrs. Harry Brackett. Reservations should be made by Monday noon with Mrs.
Gideon Stegath at telephone 1833. DRESSES 38 dresses only Taffetas, wools, moires, crepes and gabardines. ing Sizes values 9 to to maternity 15 17.95. and dresses. 10 to 20.
Regular Includ- $11. 19 Dresses only prints, crepes, gab10 Values ardines, to 20. to and $14.95. Includes wools. Sizes maternity 9 to 15 dresses.
and $8. 21 Dresses only gabardines, wools and failles in one and two piece styles. Sizes maternity 9 to 15 styles. and Values 10 to to 20. $12.95.
Includes $6. SP SPORTSWEAR 20 Blouses only Short and long 38. Values to $5.95. tels sleeve but styles. mostly A few whites.
prints Sizes 32 pas- to $3.99 10 Skirts only Wools gabardines and novelty fabrics in sizes 24 to $2.99 30. Regular $5.95 and $6.95 values. 5 only All wool cardigans in white and navy only. Sizes 34 to $2.99 36. Regular $5.95 value.
LINGERIE Regular $1.95 reversible satin bras. 32 to 38. A and cups. white Completely or blue reversible and white. in black Sizes and $1.29 Strapless bras of nylon net and white.
Sizes 32 to 38. Regular $3.50. elasticized rayon. Blue, black or $2. Closeout of slips and pajamas.
Better quality merchandise formerly $4.95 pajamas. to $7.95. White Prints and and tearose solids slips. in $2.99 Sizes 32 to 40. NYLON IMPS Nylon Imps by a nationally known mfg.
45 gauge 30 denier reverse knit. New shades. Sizes 81 to Regular and long lengths. Special Price $1.09.